Winter Wellness

Staying well is a year-round goal but winter, with it’s runny noses and, now, covid, has us all considering how we can best take care of ourselves. After the tasty treats and busy schedule of the holidays, now is an ideal time to invest in yourself and keep your immune system working at it’s best! Here’s what to keep top of mind: 


Keep your trusty water bottle on hand, drink herbal tea if water feels boring, splurge on some plants to bring some extra humidity and green happiness to your home, and moisturize! If you’re struggling with that last one, invest in a lotion or body oil that you really love and make it part of your self care routine. You won’t regret it! 

Nourish yourself. 

With long, cold nights, it can be easy to sink into the couch after a day at work and eat food that’s more convenient than fresh–add some nutritious, whole foods into the rotation and get moving! A daytime walk will stimulate you and give you a little Vitamin D and a dance party will have the whole family laughing and feeling good together. And don’t forget to nourish your mind, too—puzzles, books, and wordle (the latest craze) will keep your brain sharp!

Be proactive. 

Make and keep your chiropractic appointments with Dr. Renee at intūn to keep your nervous system working well! That brain-body connection is super helpful for a strong immune system. Find a Vitamin D supplement (your daytime walk isn’t enough, unfortunately) to keep your attitude sunny or spring for some of the Cassie’s Natural Living elderberry gummies for an immunity boost! Hiding out at home is way too easy, especially with the current covid rates, but you can take steps to make sure you and your family are safe and thriving–mentally and physically. 

The best thing you can do in any season of the year is be kind to yourself! Some days you’ll have a higher capacity for making “good” choices. Other days you just have to get by! Either way, intūn wants to be with you on the journey.


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