What are the scans? Part 1: The Thermal Scan


Did you know that only 15% of the nerves in our body are utilized for senses or feeling? The other 85% of nerves are used for vital functions of our body, which we can not feel or control. 

Our office uses a tool called the Insight Subluxation Station to measure exactly how much stress your nervous system is facing. This tool, which we usually refer to as a scan, is noninvasive and appropriate for all ages. There are 3 different types of scan technology we utilize. In this blog series, we will talk a little more about what each scan does. The first scan we’ll talk about is the thermal scan.  Our scanning technology helps us to determine the health of your nerves as they exit the spine and how they are impacting the way your body functions as a whole.

The same part of your nervous system that controls your heart, lungs, stomach and other organs, regulates your skin—your largest organ! When there is an interference to the nerves, this can alter blood flow which then alters temperature. By measuring temperatures along your spine we can find nervous system disturbances that may impact other vital organs. Temperature is an accurate and measurable indicator to determine where stress is building up and how deeply it affects body functions. 

Our care recommendations are based on your scans and other examination findings. They serve as guidelines to monitor your progress and appropriately modify your care with an ultimate goal of improving the function, communication, and healing capacity of your body while simultaneously improving the way your body responds to the stressors we mentioned above.

Do you have questions about your thermal scan? Let us know!


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