Ear Infections and Chiro


Why are some people so prone to ear infections? Why don’t antibiotics really solve the root cause? And, what can you do about it!? 

When the body is producing extra mucus during certain times of the year or during a viral or bacterial immune challenge and when the ear nose and throat have poor plumbing, all that fluid can back up into the ear causing a cesspool of an opportunity for infection. Not comfortable!

Antibiotics are like cleaning a dirty aquarium over and over but never addressing the fact that the filter and pump aren’t actually working to keep the water moving and clean in the first place!

What keeps the filter and pump working in your ears, nose and throat!? Your nervous system!

The nerves that exit the top of your neck control the ENT (ear, nose, and throat) system and the muscles that flex there drain your eustachian tubes. Proper alignment of your spine makes sure your entire nervous system is functioning to its optimal capability! Do your body a favor and schedule an adjustment today!

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