A real pain in the leg—Sciatica

Anterior view showing the sciatic nerve going down the right leg.

Anterior view showing the sciatic nerve going down the right leg.


Sciatica feels like a constant burning sensation or a shooting pain starting in the lower back or buttock and radiating down the front or back of the thigh and leg and/or feet. Did you know that sciatica is a symptom of poor spinal health? When your spine lacks proper motion, it makes things like herniated discs or nerve impingements more possible and—I don’t know about you—but those are things we try to avoid!

Reports of sciatica top over 3 million cases per year, so if this is something that you’ve struggled with—know you are not alone! Since sciatic pain usually resides on one leg only, many people think that it’s an issue in that leg or hip that needs to be addressed. However, pain typically originates in the spine, and then radiates downward. Your nerves that leave the lumbar spine/lower back pass through the hips and buttocks, and down each leg. The best way to prevent it from happening altogether is with consistent chiropractic adjustments and wellness care! At intūn, our goal is to restore proper motion to the spine with very specific chiropractic adjustments. 

Lots of people try special pillows, stretches, medications, injections…and we often see the same song and dance with other types of pain. Rather than solving the issue, these just address symptoms, which keep returning. While as chiropractors, we don’t focus on suppressing symptoms, we do address the areas of your spine that are experiencing stress, which are the areas that tend to be the root cause. So, removing stress from your spine and nervous system means a better functioning body overall and you feel better. We focus on whole body wellness, no matter what kind of body you have! If you're looking for a family-friendly space to finally get relief or to just boost your overall health, you've found the perfect place! Hope to see you soon!


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