Refocusing to the Center of Mindfulness

With mindfulness popping up in schools and workplaces, eating plans and cleaning, and pretty much everywhere else; it can be easy to forget what the focus is and just go through the motions. One major aspect of mindfulness is setting aside our “monkey mind”—the part of your brain that is reacting to your kids’ needs, keeping track of grocery lists, and all those “don’t forgets” that are floating around while you move through your day. Stop reacting and start responding! 

Mental Health America in Sheboygan County shares great resources that make it easier to maintain mental health. Much like chiropractic—and anything else you do for your health, for that matter—mindfulness benefits from consistency. Take a look at this article from them: Nourishing Healthy Habits with Mindfulness that walks you through a meditation practice and talks about how we tame the angry wolf and focus on "feeding" the peaceful wolf.

Spare a moment to practice being mindful of your ways of thinking, habits, emotional responses, and relationships. When we take time to slow down and reflect on ourselves and our lives, it can give us better insight into whether we want to continue certain habits.

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Quick Chickpea Curry


March 16—Join us in celebrating our 13th Anniversary!