Having a mindful spring

Now that you’ve gotten your adjustment and your allergies are under control, you’re ready to enjoy spring, right? But, dang, your mind has other ideas! Suddenly you’re trying to balance schedules with spring cleaning, figure out summer plans, all while trying to keep up with whatever demands your everyday life has for you—before you know it, the season of growth and renewal has passed by without so much as a deep cleansing breath. CalmMoment has put together this fantastic list of ways to check back in with yourself during Spring and ideas for how you can feel rejuvenated this spring—here’s a couple of our favorites:  

  • Connect with nature: arrange flowers, dig in the garden, take a walk, listen to birds–take a moment to witness the rebirth of the earth after winter.

  • Get creative: wake up early and take photos of the sunrise, invest in some simple watercolors and play with your favorite colors, get a funky new blanket or colorful pillows to add a splash of color to your home!

Nurture your mind and body: Spring cleaning can go beyond your home—maybe this is the perfect time to begin a simple mindfulness practice or incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your meals. Welcome new ingredients and engage your senses as you notice the colors, aromas, textures and flavors while you’re eating and cooking.


Rhubarb–Brown Butter Bars


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