Chiropractic, babies and constipation…

Babies, Constipation, and Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care isn't just for grown-up aches and pains. It’s also about nurturing the delicate nervous system from the earliest stages of life.

Why does that matter for constipation? Well, the nervous system controls EVERYTHING – including the digestive processes!

When our little ones are out of alignment, it can mean their tiny nerves are too. These nerves are the body's communication lines, telling the intestines how to work properly. If there's a miscommunication, it can lead to tummy troubles like constipation.

But here's the good news: a gentle, caring chiropractic adjustment can help to:

Restore proper nerve function

Ease the digestive tract into harmony

Help those little bellies work like they should

Don't worry, it's super gentle! We use the lightest touch to help remove stress and interference from your baby’s tiny body – no more pressure than you'd use to test a ripe tomato.

Let's get those little bodies in tune and those tiny tummies feeling fine!


Stress and the nervous system…


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