Chiropractic and The Neck

At Intun, we focus on the health of your entire spine—and your entire body—but if we had to pick just one region of your spine to adjust, it would be the first vertebrae in your neck. The C1 is sometimes called The Atlas Bone, named after the Greek god Atlas, who held up the world on his shoulders, like you hold your head! The C1 vertebrae is the gateway between your brain's connection to your body. 

We know that the cervical adjustment (neck) is one that tends to make people nervous. But knowledge is power and after you learn of the benefits, you’ll be excited to get this adjustment! With precision, specificity and gentleness this adjustment instantly reinstates the body-brain connection and switches the brain’s perception of “stress”, to a state of “Wow, everything is okay now! Time to focus on healing!” 

Because the brain is connected to everything via the central nervous system through the core of your spinal column, this adjustment, when done consistently, has many benefits:

  • Boosts brain function, focus, vision, motivation, speech

  • Boosts energy and lowers fatigue

  • Shields your body systems from the seasonal yuck, and builds up the correct body systems to defend against body systems

  • Lifts tension we carry on our neck, shoulders and upper back

  • Boosts ear function and reduces ear infection risk/frequency. 

  • Regulates body balance that can cause disorientation due to unbalanced ears

With so many benefits, it’s no wonder this is likely a regular part of your adjustments with Dr. Renee! 

Some of this content is adapted from The Chiro Collective


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